Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is an illness that affects thousands of people, mostly women, in Australia. This disease is extremely controversial; standard medical tests typically reveal there is nothing wrong, which often leads doctors to dismiss it as psychological - a stigma that quite rightly frustrates sufferers. In recent years, however, more sophisticated tests and innovative clinical trials have yielded small clues that researchers are hopeful might eventually lead to some answers on how to treat this chronic, debilitating condition.
For around 70% of CFS sufferers, the disease precedes an infection, usually glandular fever, caused by Epstein-Barr virus.
Struck by a profound fatigue, CFS sufferers are unable to carry out basic tasks. Symptoms worsen when sufferers push themselves, which is known as post-exertional malaise. In addition, CFS is almost always accompanied with chronic ‘brain fog’, and often nausea, muscle pain and unrefreshing sleep. For many sufferers, this can continue for years, if not decades.
Disease Recognition:
The term “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” was first used in 1988 by the US Centre for Disease Control to formalise the name given to the collection of symptoms.
Following the recognition of CFS, a protracted battle continues between parts of the medical community and patient advocate groups. Some doctors believed it’s “all in the head”, owing to its unexplained nature. This leaves sufferers feeling disrespected, misunderstood and dismissed.
Viral Aetiology:
In 2015, research revealed that during the first three years of the disease, sufferers had elevated levels of interferon gamma, a cytokine released in response to viral infections which researchers say is consistent with the hypothesis of a viral trigger or of immune system dysregulation. Separate research also found gut microbiome and inflammatory microbial markers are usually elevated.
Immunological Imbalance:
We believe the disease is most likely inflammatory in nature. There are generally classic signs of inflammation including redness, swelling, pain and invasion of immune cells that can cause tissue damage.
Bouncing Back:
There are treatment protocols that can be developed for sufferers. Elixir Compounding Pharmacy specialises in helping CFS sufferers. We develop patient-centred treatment protocols based largely on advanced nutrient therapy. We offer complementary phone consultations where we assess symptoms and recommend an individualised treatment plan. So, if you or someone you know, contact Elixir today.
